The Most Important Reasons for Geriatric Cats to See a Vet

Cats age in various ways based on the breed, activity level, and diet. However, they typically begin their senior years at around 8. As they age, your cat’s health might drastically deteriorate. The majority of times, these changes go under-recorded. When they are in the beginning stages of illness or pain, cats will conceal distress signals.

The sickness will have advanced dramatically when owners discover that their cat is acting out strangely. Ensure your elderly cat has a lifetime of excellent health with regular yearly examinations, preventive blood screenings, and senior nutrition guidance. Thus, you must understand the different cat diseases and the specific signs to be aware of.

Top Health Issues for Geriatric Feline

If you own a cat, then you’re aware of how unfriendly felines can appear. The cat you love may be happy and playful for a moment and then become withdrawn and secluded the next. Cats, just like humans, are prone to physical issues with age. Continue reading to learn about the most prevalent diseases that affect senior cats.

1. End-Stage Renal Disease

CKD5 is the most frequent feline kidney disorder caused by a decline in kidney (renal) function over time. The kidneys’ job is to filter pollutants from the blood and then eliminate them from the body through urine. Waste items build up in your cat’s circulation without sufficient filtering, leading to an increase in weight, lethargy as well as vomiting, and lack of appetite.

They could drink more fluids and urinate in more significant amounts. High blood pressure can be a result of CKD5 (hypertension). Although kidney function loss can’t be recovered, early detection may aid in the creation of a nutritious diet and treatment program to assist reduce the progression of the disease. Vet clinics like this, who are known to be reputable can help you with your duties as fur parent.

2. Cardiovascular Disease

Cats with heart-related issues (cardiomyopathy) typically do not have visible symptoms. Insignificant changes such as lethargy and weight loss might signal pet owners a problem. Still, thorough physical examination and diagnostic tests are the most effective method of detecting cat heart diseases before it becomes a problem.

When your veterinarian listens to your cat’s chest using a stethoscope, they search for any abnormalities that could indicate that your cat might be sick. These include an abnormal or irregular heart rhythm and fluid accumulation or congestion in the lungs and murmurs.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus can be described as a metabolic disorder that manifests when the pancreas does not produce insulin or when your cat’s body doesn’t utilize insulin effectively to control blood sugar levels (“blood sugar”).

In addition to losing weight, diabetic cats generally experience an increase in the amount of water consumed, food intake, and urine. The disease can cause liver dysfunction, ketoacidosis (a life-threatening illness), and secondary infection with bacteria. This page will give you an idea of the importance of routinary exams for your pet.

4. Arthritis

You might be surprised that arthritis is a common occurrence in cats. However, the signs are usually ignored, blaming “growing older.” The stiff joints increased napping, and decreased desire to chase the catnip mouse might all indicate that your senior cat is too ill to move around.

Some geriatric cat owners may have noticed that their cat no longer jumps up on the window sill or waits patiently on the floor for a pet to pick her up and place her in the bed. The slight changes in your cat’s behavior might disclose a great deal about how they’re feeling.

5. Hyperthyroidism

This is an ailment where the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones than it needs, which increases your cat’s metabolism and can cause various difficulties. The persistently high heart rate could cause serious heart problems if the condition is not addressed. Hypertension could develop, damaging vital organs, including the eye, kidneys, eyes, and brain.

This increased metabolic rate improves the number of calories burned. Thus, cat owners who notice losing weight despite their intense appetite will often take their cats to the veterinarian to be evaluated.

By | 2023-02-08T12:42:11+00:00 March 26th, 2022|Dogs|0 Comments